A Weight loss Journey in Modern Times: Can Apps and Programs Help You Achieve Your Goals?

I have been juggling weight gain and loss all my life. And considering that throughout my life I lost 25-30 kg 4 times, I consider that I have the relevant experience on this topic. What did I learn, in essence? That you must have a certain state of mind, based on trust, constancy, and self-love plus the maturity to accept a balanced, long-term lifestyle to get and stay fit. There are no overnight results and there is no diet that you can follow for 5 days, 1 month, half a year, etc. and then return to your normal style and maintain satisfactory results. There are genetic factors that influence us in one way or another, but it is equally true that a thin person consumes fewer calories, even without realizing it, compared to a heavier person.

Weight Loss Journey

What I want to emphasize, before getting into the heart of the problem, is that you should not feel any pressure to be one way or another, but this also implies the lack of an exacerbated sensitivity when it comes to the topic of weight. In essence: you are fat and assumed, excellent; you are thin and feel good in your own skin, the same applies! There should be no pressure from any side, but unfortunately it does not mean that there is not! What helps is the universal “you can only control the way you react to various life situations”.

My Weight Loss Journey

As I mentioned earlier, I have been losing and gaining around 30 kg, 4 times during my 36 years of life. The incapacity of maintaining the results frustrated me terribly but not enough to give up. It also taught me a reasonable fact: it is easier to lose weight then to maintain fit on the long run.

Optimistic Beginnings and the Blessed Ignorance of Youth

First time I lost weight I was at the end of high school and in Romania, where I live, I had some serious exams that year plus getting into Collage so there was an extra mental pressure. I was a teenager and there was a mistic combination of wanting to blow off steam via physical activity and becoming a Pescatarian since I wanted to give up meat. So, for almost 2 years, I followed a strict diet with a modest breakfast: tea, 2 thin slices of bread with liver pate (the only animal produce I kept), a graham bun for the long recess at 10, a generous plate consisting of polenta, boiled cabbage in tomato sauce, boiled mackerel in tomato or lemon sauce and white beans dip at 14.30 when I returned from school. Looking back, the portions were about 50/100 gr from each. I would only drink tea/water for the rest of the day and eat a green apple, nothing else.

At around 19.00 I had 1 hour of physical training- every day. I had a white door at my bedroom, and I filled it with A4 papers full of exercises for the whole body- core, arms, legs etc. When I mentioned in the beginning that I feel it is necessary to have a certain mindset to get into shape that moment in my life comes to mind: I feel that in those days I was functioning like a well-oiled machine- I felt no hunger, no cravings, I had energy and I was following a program that helped me not only fight the stress of senior year but also get in one of the best shapes in my life- thought the latter was the bonus not the purpose. I honestly felt no pressure to do it, I perceived it as beneficial- though I rarely mind it any thought.

I had no info on intermittent fasting (such a thing was not even known then), calorie deficit, I did not count anything I just embraced the journey and ended up getting fit. The only exasperated one was my mother who boiled enough beans to feed an army those 2 years.

Second Trial with Obscure Artifices

Collage came though, a chaotic lifestyle and I went spiraling. 4-5 years later I was heavier than ever, my grandma died, I stumbled upon an opportunity to exchange jobs and went for it. This adventure took me to a bigger city and wanting to shake everything off and start fresh I decided to take diet pills. In 2009/2010, SuperSlim were all the rave in Romania, a “wonder” diet pill. Their composition was natural, but I would not know for sure: Composition: Koncing nut extract (Juglans regia) 18%, Garcinia cambogia extract 13%, green apple extract (malic acid) 16%, Kiwi (Actinida chinensis) extract 13%, glucomannans 12%, Tapinambur root extract (Helianthus tuberosus) 16%, cellulose extract from Discorea esculenta 12%.

Personally, I only experienced hair loss (which could have been due to weigh loss too) as a side effect but many complained of more dangerous issues: headaches, dried mouth, liver/kidney disfunctions, palpitations. What I remember from those days is that they gave me lots of energy and a feeling of heat though my body. I started going to gym 5 times per week and because I didn’t feel like cooking, I mostly ate milk with cereals.
During that time, I met my future husband and getting cozy in the relationship I gave up the pills and started skipping training. So, my 2nd weight loss journey ended abruptly.

They say 3ed time is a charm 😊

The third time I have lost a serious amount of weight was before my wedding in 2013 and I went with the Dukan Diet, which was all the rave around then and was promoting a protein rich, low carbohydrate diet. It was the first time I have lost weight with as little sport as possible, and it taught me how much of an impact food has compared to fitness training. The Dukan diet consists of 4 phases- attack, consists of eating foods from the “pure protein” list, the cruise phase aims to lower a person’s body weight gradually by adding 32 specific vegetables to the diet, the consolidation phase where the aim is not to lose weight, but to avoid regaining it and the stabilization phase which is the long-term maintenance part of the plan.

I had no issues with this diet but I only followed the first 2 phases so you can imagine I lost weight one year and gain it back in the next year or two.

The 4th Round of Weight Loss Challenge

This is what I am experiencing right now. It started at 33 years old, with 107 kg. Before the diet I practiced Kangoo Jumps training, 3 times a week for a year, ate what I would normally, and I only lost 2 or 3 kg. That motivated me to look for a sort of lifestyle that would boost my results. With the inability to conceive and after a failed IVF I tried to take matters in my own hands, lose weight and casually came across the idea of hormone balancing diet and PCOES tackling.

I gave up milk products because they made me feel bloated. I do not have lactose intolerance but I do feel better since giving up dairy products. I rarely still use butter. Also I try as much as possible to avoid sugar and any types of grain flour. The sugar and gluten partially free lifestyle ( I still eat rice and sometimes if I find potatoes or a piece of pasta in a soup I won’t make a deal out of it) came with the desire to regulate my hormones. The main benefit has been weight loss and less inflammation in my body.

Can Tech and Information Help You Become Your Best Version?

This post is utterly personal, and I accept any adverse opinion with open arms while sticking to my vision equally adamant.
We are experiencing some of the best times to be alive…at least if you are living in a civilized, democratic country. There is such a generous access to information these days, so many apps, free or paid, so many YouTube, Insta, TikTok channels ready to teach you anything but also how to cook/eat and exercise, to narrow it to my topic. You must put a little bit of effort and find your tribe.
I will list bellow some of the channels that caught my attention and helped with my weight loss journey.

Kym Campbell, creator of the 30 Day PCOS Diet Challenge

Kym Campbell brings a friendly face to a sensitive subject. She speaks simply and in detail to an international community and has enough freebies to give you an overall picture of what her program proposes. An extraordinary Facebook community supports your efforts with women from all over the world sharing their experiences, frustrations, and success, offering real and encouraging feedback. Only on one aspect I would trade careful not to raise my expectations: the possibility of getting pregnant – no one can guarantee that, it happens but it is not a must. You can try it for free: I lost weight, I learnt new things about different foods, I gave up milk products though I do not have an intolerance and I feel less bloated and gas-free 😊. I joined the paid program as well and it brings enough plus value for the asked price.

Xtreme Hip Hop with Phil Got Me Through the Pandemics

In 2020 the gym where I am going for Kangoo Jumps sessions closed due to Covid, like many others around the world. I did not want to lose my physical condition, so I looked for alternatives online. Although the internet abounds with free options, I believe that by investing a small amount of money, you tend to stick to your work differently. That is how Xtreme Hip Hop with Phil came across and I was instantly conquered by the volcanic energy, the community’s variety, and a completely new and explosive style of training, for me at least, at that moment. They also have plenty of free routines, videos, etc. but at that time they were marketing some online programs and challenges which I found helpful.

Instagram/Facebook Resources That I Find Helpful

There are a few pages I follow on IG but there are so many …I am sure I omitted some cool ones, and I would appreciate if you left me comments with your personal preferences.
For recipes and food info: Howtofoodprep, eatinghealthytoday, healthygirlkitchen, kymcampbellcooks, deliciouslyella.

For Fitness Inspo: thebodycoach, gymglobal, coach.latif, Mihaela – Instructor Kangoo Jumps
These are accounts that I scroll through for inspiration, I do not follow them religiously and I do not always apply what I see on them.

Latest Addition: Weight Loss Apps

In summer 2022 I hit a plateau and no matter the fact I joined another gym in January , 2 times a week, beside my 3 times a week Kangoo jumps sessions I would not go below 76kg. So when in August I came across an ad for Unimeal (Adroid app/ Ios Apple App) I joined their 3 months offer.
What I learnt is that I was eating more than I should have- of course I did not realize that because the tendency is to stuff your face with food, believing it healthy. But salads, whole grains, low-carb sweets add up if you do not pay attention. Many people eat emotionally or out of boredom, or they confuse thirst with hunger.
If you follow the diet plan suggested by Unimeal after a quick customization process, you will get to your results, but it is hard…as all good things in life. They try to make it fun, you can swap their menu suggestions, they award you some cute milestone trophies but after the “honeymoon” phase is over, they bring up the big guns, get you to agree to ditch the 2 snacks and stick with 3 meals a day- totally decent but my “mental” programming has me struggling. The app also suggests some quick and effective workouts that do not take too long for the user to lose interest.
Of course, I could have chosen MyFitnessPal: Calorie Counter (Android/ iOS) for a more popular, mostly free app but I guess the Unimeal marketing hit their target. I regret nothing, I am still in the paid program including October and I did not give up hope- I just wished for a “magical unicorn” not such a down to earth and common sense – eat less and more conscient solution. A plus side for Unimeal is the fact that it suggests meatless dinners/ the only victim being fish from time to time…but you can swap. Since Dukan I am inclined towards food with animal protein and I really want to change this, although I am not ready for major changes.


Be your own supporter! Do not be too harsh on yourself! Do not let yourself go either! Find your pace and your lane and make constancy your creed. Find inspiring communities even if I do not contribute to discussions with inversion – they are a source of information, which can motivate you more than you can imagine. Make sure you have a schedule. Eat regularly from foods that are nutritious and serve your purpose. Drink water and tea.

Avoid sugar like the devil; also applies to sugar hidden under various names and present in all sweets, sauces, cereals, balsamic vinegar, yogurts, canned goods of all kinds: dextrose, fructose, evaporated cane juice, fruit juice concentrate, brown rice syrup, malt syrup, corn syrup, date syrup, barley malt, galactose, or glucose. Take advantage of the wide access to information and learn about food, learn about your body. For example, what I found surprising the other days was how much sugar and how many calories milk has.

2 cups of milk with coffee per day = 500 ml x 30 days = 15 liters of milk per month.

1 liter of 1.5% milk has 440 calories 15 liters = 6,600 calories

1 kg of belly fat = 8,300 calories. That is, the habit of drinking 1/2 liter of milk a day stops you from losing 800g in a month. What happens if you add flavors to your coffee?

Of course, it’s a grosso modo calculation, but how many others go unnoticed and are counted month by month until we are totally overwhelmed by the situation?

Buy a scale! Avoid being frustrated by what it shows. The scale did not open the fridge for you! Make it your partner!

Do not lose hope and be your own supporter! Do not walk around with half measures, cheat meals and other miracles! Set your goals clearly and treat yourself with due respect. Did you stray from the route? Please come back as soon as possible to what you set out to do. The goal must be clear, and you must be convinced that you are the master of your own body and destiny. In this assent, find your tribe!

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